Notes of Appreciation
Instructions for Accolades
Accolades in 5 Easy Steps!
PLEASE BRING COMPLETED ACCOLADES TO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY, MAY 6TH. Volunteers will be at each entrance to collect them.
1. Print these instructions and the word list (see below) and give it to your student. Parents are encouraged to write letters as well!
2. Have your student choose a word (or words) from the list below that represents what his/her classroom teacher means to him/her. If s/he wants to use a word not on the list, combine words, write a poem or limerick, that’s great, too!
3. Next, have your student write the teacher’s name and the chosen word(s) on an 8.5” x 11” piece of paper. Students can also incorporate drawings, cartoons, etc.
4. If your student receives services from any of the following specialists, have her/him repeat steps 1-3 (above) for the person s/he works with the most.
ELL Ben Conway
Occupational Therapist Maria Gmuca
Physical Therapist Cheryl Kerfeld
Protected Health Contact Room Anna Faraday
Psychologist James Cordell
Resource Room Katie Croff
Reading Intervention Carol Donahue
Speech Language Pathologist Anna Gregovich
Special Ed Teacher Cathy Patnoe
Instructional Assistants Michelle Stryker, Johnny Walker, Jr., Jason Walsh, Jeff Paul
Tutor Mina Kim
Instrumental Music William Chance
5. If your student didn’t do step 4, have him/her repeat steps 1-3 for one of the following staff members as outlined below. (This helps ensure that everyone on staff will receive accolades; students are welcome to do as many as they have time for.)
Student Last Name Starts With: Recipient
A-B: Art Teacher Jennifer Lundgren
C-D: Nurse Marguerite Watson and/or Protected Health Contact Anna Faraday
E-F: PE Teacher Isabelle Auty
G-H: Music Teacher Timothy Moore
I-J: Admin Secretary Daisy Lukas
K-L: Custodian Ricky Morris
M-N: Librarian Jodie Purcell
O-P: Lunchroom Supervisor Elena Peterson
Q-R : Office Assistant Missy Pody
S-T: Principal Julia Pearson
U-V-W: Counselor Sarah Waymouth
X-Y-Z: Crossing Guard Beth Nauman
Possible Words to Use:
accomplished amazing awesome bright brilliant calm caring clever committed compassionate creative dazzling dedicated delightful devoted encouraging energetic engaging enthusiastic excellent wonderful exceptional extraordinary fabulous fantastic focused great helpful impressive incredible innovative inspiring intelligent inventive joyful kind knowledgeable magnificent marvelous neat organized outstanding patient positive professional remarkable sensational special spectacular splendid superb supportive talented terrific tremendous unbeatable understanding upbeat warm wise
Estimated time for students to complete: 3 minutes (for minimalists) to 20 minutes (for those who like to take their time.)