Montlake PTA
Annual Fund 2023

October Fund-Fest!

Welcome! As everyone in the Montlake Elementary community knows, our school is a small, nurturing, and mind-expanding place with incredible teachers and staff. You may also be aware that public schools are not fully funded by the state or by local tax levies. The PTA has historically raised funds to fill in a few of these funding gaps.   We do this through multiple fundraising activities, big and small.  The largest of which is our Annual Fund. This year our target for the Annual Fund is $150,000.  

This year when you donate to the Annual Fund, you also have the option to donate to Montlake PTA’s Equity Fund. All donations to this fund will then be distributed to schools that do not have PTAs that raise funds for their schools.

Donate to the Annual Fund

Donation Options

Did you know that Montlake PTA accepts donations in many forms? Here is some guidance to help you choose the best way to donate to our great school. We appreciate all donations and want to offer multiple options so that you can choose the best one for your budget.

1. Recurring donations. We would like to encourage those who can to consider making recurring payments. Making smaller gifts each period (monthly or quarterly) is sometimes easier on the budget and allows for a larger annual gift. Our online donation page offers the option to make recurring donations with your credit card or from your bank account.

2. Recurring donations with matching through your employer. In recent years, many companies have made it even easier to donate to your favorite causes. Companies such as Google, Microsoft, Apple, Symetra and Alaska Airlines offer employees the option to deduct donations straight from their paycheck. These donations are deducted each pay period, matched by the employer and sent to us through Benevity. There are minimal fees with this option, and obtaining the matching funds is automatic. Check with your employer to see if they offer this option.

3. Matching Gifts (money or volunteer hours!) When you give to Montlake, you may have an opportunity to get your gift matched by your employer. Many companies use to facilitate the matching process, but some companies use other processes to facilitate. Please reach out to your HR department to find out how you can have your gift matched. If you need assistance from the PTA to process your matching gift, please reach out to [email protected].

In addition, did you know that some companies offer matching volunteer hour giving? By donating your time, you may be eligible for additional funds to be donated back to the school. Please check with your employer for more details and check out our volunteer information here.

4. One-time payment online. Our online donation page has options for a one-time gift payable by a credit card or bank withdrawal.

5. Check. We still accept checks and encourage them. There are no processing fees with checks. If you have a child at the school, please send the check in an envelope marked Montlake PTA Annual Fund. Or, you may mail checks to Montlake PTA Annual Fund 520 Ravenna Blvd NE, Seattle, WA 98105.

We also encourage you to donate your time to support the school where it fits your schedule the best. Please also remember to check with your employer on matching volunteer hours - some employers support matching hours!