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Enrichment Registration Draft
The Montlake PTA runs the after school enrichment program. Our aim is to provide a program that is engaging to students and that can provide social interactions across grade levels. We also want a program that is safe for students and respectful of school staff. We ask that you remind your students to follow the same rules for behavior during the after school program as they do during the school day.
Please take the time to read this information carefully. The enrichment program has some new changes this year as we are operating from the John Marshall building. There will now be a later bus, the Activity Bus, that students can take after their enrichment classes or Launch. Registration for the Activity Bus is part of the enrichment registration.
The registration period is only three days - do not wait to register. SPS Transportation needs the names of the students riding the Activity Bus well before the start of the fall session.
Information for Registration
Registration for after school classes and the Activity Bus is hosted on 6crickets.
Scholarships are available. Please email Ms. Ella at [email protected] or the PTA Enrichment Program at [email protected] to obtain the discount codes.
The schedule of Fall 2023 offerings is now available to view on Montlake's 6crickets registration portal. Return to this page to register during the registration period.
Registration opens: Monday, September 18 at noon
Registration closes: Thursday, September 21 at noon
Session dates: Classes run from October 2 through December 15.
No classes will be held on days when school is not in session: October 13, November 10, and the entire week of November 20.
Please remember to update the information in your student's profile before registration.
There is also an easy to read schedule that lists the classes by day.
The Activity Bus
The Activity Bus is provided by SPS and is funded by the Montlake construction project. There is no cost to actually ride the bus. There is a small fee to register for a seat on the bus to pay for the staff to safely load the students onto the bus and to remain with students if the bus is running late.
The Activity Bus is scheduled to arrive by 4:00 pm and depart at 4:15 pm (3:00pm and 3:15 pm on Wednesdays). The Activity Bus has a tentative route of the following stops (drop off times and order TBD). Some stops may be adjusted slightly, to better accommodate traffic or awkward turns.
Greenlake School-Age Child Care (GLSA)
Wallingford Boys & Girls Club
Stevens Elementary
Lowell Elementary
E EDGAR ST @ 11TH AVE E (near Roanoke Park)
10TH AVE E @ E MILLER ST (near Pagliacci Pizza)
E MCGRAW ST @ 20TH AVE (near Montlake Elementary)
25TH AVE E @ E ROANOKE ST (NE corner of Montlake)
Students will be assigned a stop according to their home address or can contact SPS Transportation to be dropped off at a child care site.
During registration, please indicate if you plan for your child to be dropped off at their assigned stop close to their home address or at a childcare site. You will also need to provide your student's ID. (Login to the Source to obtain your student's ID.)
Wolf Den
We are offering a class called Wolf Den to bridge the time between the ending of some classes and when the Activity Bus arrives. Many classes end 15 to 45 minutes before the Activity Bus is loading at 4:00pm (MTuThF) and 3:00pm(W). If you enroll your student in a class that ends before 4:00 pm and they are not enrolled in Launch, you will need to enroll them in the Wolf Den. (If we determine that your student needs to be in Wolf Den and you did not register for it, a link will be sent to you to do so.)
The Wolf Den class is not an option for students to enroll at school dismissal time (2:25 pm MTuThF, 1:10 pm W). It is only an option later once staff are available to run Wolf Den.
Please note: When registering for Wolf Den, you may see a warning message indicating class times overlap. Click "Proceed Anyway" to continue the registration.
The prices for Wolf Den and the Activity Bus may display the rate for all 5 days. Select the particular days you want in order to see the actual price.
The price of the Wolf Den and the Activity Bus is lower than what the staffing will cost. The PTA will subsidize the actual costs for staffing these offerings. If you are able to donate any amount of money during check out, it will help the PTA run a sustainable program.
Tip: Add Wolf Den and the Activity Bus to your cart last, after your student's schedule is decided. It is not possible to edit the selected days for the bus and Wolf Den once those items are in your cart. You will need to remove the items from your cart and add again with the corrected days, if you need to edit.
Students in Launch
Launch students may register for after school classes and the Activity Bus. It is possible for Launch students to register for only the Activity Bus.
Launch students do not need to enroll in Wolf Den if registering for the Activity Bus or for enrichment classes. Launch students will be returned to Launch after enrichment classes before getting on the bus.
After School Enrichment Classes Procedures
The PTA is working closely with school staff, Launch staff, enrichment providers and Hampton Tutors to provide a program that is organized, safe and fun for students. Detailed information for students and parents will be emailed before classes start.
Your student will be directed to the proper meeting place after school and their teacher will know where they need to go. Your student will be supervised at all times.
Hampton Tutors will be providing an onsite coordinator as they did last year. The onsite coordinator will take attendance and will contact parents if their students are not where they should be.
Parents and guardians will need to follow all guidelines for notifying the school and the onsite coordinator if their student will be absent or if their student has a different plan for pick up. We are counting on everyone's cooperation to ensure that the program runs smoothly and safely.
Questions about registration? Contact [email protected].