Fourth Grade

What should my child be able to do in Math by the end of Grade 4?

• Use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with whole numbers to solve word problems
• Learn about factors and multiples  
• Make and describe patterns with objects and numbers
• Understand and use place value to generalize to 1,000,000
• Compute with multi-digit numbers
• Solve problems involving using multiplication of multi-digit by two-digit numbers
• Divide multi-digit numbers by one-digit divisor
• Round multi-digit numbers to any place
• Build understanding of equivalent fractions and ordering fractions 
• Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators by making common denominators
• Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with like denominators
• Understand the decimal notation for fractions
• Compare decimals
• Solve problems using measurement conversions
• Apply area and perimeter formulas for rectangles
• Organize and explain data using a line plot 
• Understand and measure angles
• Draw and identify lines and angles
• Describe and sort shapes by their lines and angles 
• Recognize lines of symmetry

Read the Standards.

What should my child be able to do in Language Arts by the end of Grade 4?

• Use details and examples in the text to determine the main idea and describe a character, setting, or event
• Use first person (e.g., I said) and third person (e.g., She said) narrative styles
• Read and understand literature and informational texts

Reading: Foundational Skills
• Use grade-level phonics and word analysis skills (roots, prefixes, and suffixes)
• Read words with multiple syllables
• Read with accuracy and understanding

• Write opinion pieces that include a conclusion related to the opinion
• Write informative pieces that group related ideas in paragraphs and sections, and provide a conclusion
• Write narratives that introduce a narrator and characters; write about what the characters say, feel, and think; use sensory details (sight, sound, scent)
• Produce writing that is developed, focused, organized, and edited
• Write a short research piece

Speaking and Listening
• Participate in discussions, carrying out assigned roles
• Paraphrase portions of information presented aloud
• Plan and deliver a presentation based on a personal experience
• Speak clearly, in complete sentences, and at an appropriate pace

• Use correct grammar
• Use complete sentences
• Correctly use frequently confused words (to, two, too; there, their, they’re)
• Use correct capitalization, punctuation, and spelling
• Spell grade-level words correctly
• Know when to use formal English and when informal English is appropriate  

Read the Standards.

How do teachers track my child's progress?
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1. Measures of Academic Progress/MAP (math and ELA assessment)
Family Guide

2. Smarter Balanced Assessments
Understand the SBA Score Report and sample questions (WA State Office of the Superintendent for Public Instruction)
Practice SBA Test Questions (WA State Office of the Superintendent for Public Instruction)

What happens if there's a problem?
Links open in new window
1. Seattle Public Schools uses the Multi Tier System of Supports (MTSS) framework to support all students academically. This system allows teachers to tailor instruction to each student, including additional assistance where needed:
What is MTSS? A Jargon Free Explanation for Parents

2. Students with disabilities that affect their learning may be eligible under Federal law for additional supports in the form of an Individualized Education Program (IEP):
A Step-By-Step Guide to the IEP Process (Scholastic)
Special Education (Seattle Public Schools) 
Getting to Results: A Guide to Special Education in Seattle Public Schools (Seattle Special Education PTSA)

How can I support my child's learning at home?
Links open in new window
Readiness Check - Math and Reading (Learning Heroes)
What does success look like in Fourth Grade reading and math? (video examples - Great Schools)

Family Guide to Support Learning - Grade 4 (Seek Common Ground)
Parents' Guide to Student Success - Grade 4 (National PTA)
Family Guide to Grade 4 Learning (Seattle Public Schools)

How children learn division (video - Graham Fletcher, elementary math specialist)
How children learn multiplication (video - Graham Fletcher, elementary math specialist)
How children learn fractions (video - Graham Fletcher, elementary math specialist) 
Supporting Your Child in 4rd Grade Math (Council of the Great City Schools)