What does the PTA Board do?

The PTA Board consists of these following roles.  No experience is required to serve in these positions - just a desire to serve our school community.  All board members will be trained in their roles.

While the PTA is required to have a president, treasurer and secretary, and the BLT needs parent representatives, the remainder of the roles are optional.  However, we need most positions to be filled in order for the PTA to operate well and as our community expects.  A typical Montlake PTA Board has 12-16 members depending on who is willing to serve.

Note:  The description and requirements listed below are the minimum that is expected for the way that the board has operated recently.  With new board members, some of these positions will naturally shift and there is room to do things differently.  We welcome new voices and new ideas!


The co-presidents schedule and facilitate PTA meetings.  They are contact persons for the school, families and other PTAs .  They oversee PTA events and activities.  They work with the co-treasurers and board to draft the PTA budget each year.

Requirements:  Able to attend almost all board and general meetings, regularly check email, 2 hours a week.

Vice President

The vice president supports the co-presidents and the board.  The official duties of the vice president are minimal, leaving room for the vice president to also contribute in other areas.

Requirements:  Regularly check email, very flexible on time commitment depending on what other roles are.  2+ hours a month.


The co-treasurers work together to track the PTA finances and to provide a monthly PTA budget report.  They report financial transactions in QuickBooks.   One co-treasurer pays the expenses when they receive invoices or requests for reimbursement for PTA-funded activities. The other co-treasurer tracks and reports income.  The co-treasurers also renew the insurance policy, the various licenses and complete the required reporting for non-profit organizations.  The co-treasurers work with the board to complete at least one finance review each year.  And, the co-treasurers provide the reports to our paid accountant to file our tax return.  (No accounting or QuickBooks experience needed.  A familiarity with spreadsheets is helpful.)

Requirements:  Checking email daily, as much as possible.  Typically 2 hours a week or less.  There are some periods where more time is required for financial reviews, budget planning and tax preparation.


The secretary is responsible for attending each PTA board meeting and general membership meeting to take notes.  (In the case of an absence, the secretary will find someone else to take notes.)  The secretary then compiles the meeting notes to provide minutes for each meeting that are posted to the PTA sharepoint and that are  reviewed and approved by the board at later meetings.

Requirements:  Ability to attend most board and general meetings. 2 hours a month.

Building Leadership Team (BLT) Representatives

The BLT representatives provide the parent and student voice at the school's BLT meetings.  These reps attend each BLT meeting, usually held once a month after school.  The reps also attend PTA board meetings.  The reps have a vote and get to participate in school decisions.

Requirements:  3 hours a month.

Communications Chair

The communications chair collaborates with the school staff to write the weekly school newsletter.  They also help with communications for fundraising events and provide the content on the PTA's website.  (Constant Contact is used for newsletter emails and hosting the website. ) The chair will also work with volunteers to post on social media.

Requirements:  Dedication to publishing the newsletter weekly.  2-3  hours a week most of the year.  During the two fundraisers, it's 4-5 hours a week.

Outreach Chair(s)

The outreach chairs organize the two school community events:  Harvest Potluck and Art Walk.  They plan the staff appreciation activities:  holiday gift card collection, end of school gift card collection, staff lunches and appreciation week.  They support the volunteer who coordinates the Holiday sale.  And, they run socials for incoming kindergarten families, and family socials throughout the year.  The outreach chairs work closely with the volunteer chairs to recruit volunteers to help with events and staff appreciation week.

Requirements:  Varying time commitment.  4-8 hours a month.

Volunteer Chair(s)

The volunteer chairs work with the school to identify volunteer opportunities. They create volunteer sign ups for events and school activities.  They recruit room parents and volunteers at the beginning of the school year. 

Requirements:  2 hours a month.

Advocacy Chair(s)

The advocacy chairs provide information and opportunities to parents to advocate for all children.  They represent Montlake at Seattle Council PTSA advocacy meetings and at Washington State PTA conferences.  They may also organize meetings for parents to talk to our school board director and state legislators.

Requirements:  Very flexible, depending on desire and availability.  2+ hours a month.

Fundraising Chair(s)

The fundraising chairs lead the two main fundraisers:  the Annual Fund in the fall and the auction in the spring.  They work with local businesses to host fundraisers for Montlake.

Requirements:  Lead committees for two fundraisers with weekly meetings for about 4 months of the year.  Board time commitment is 1-2 hours a month.  Fundraiser time commitment is 15 hours a month during the fundraisers.

DEI Chair

 The DEI chair represents families and students of of color in board discussions.  They raise awareness of systemic racism and bias to our community.  

Requirements:  Very flexible depending on availability.  1+ hours a month.

Special Education Liaison

The special education liaison advocates for students who receive special education services in PTA board discussions and at the district and state levels.  Because Montlake has an Access program, it is important our board has this voice.

Requirements:  Very flexible depending on availability.  1+ hours a month.

Other Volunteer Roles

There are two other roles that are needed to run our after school program and the basic functions of the PTA.  These roles could serve on the board but they do not they do not need to.  Currently these roles are being executed by board members who also have other responsibilities.

After School Enrichment Director

The director enables the after school enrichment program to proceed at the school.  The director coordinates with the school to identify safety procedures and space for the classes.  The director also coordinates with the class providers to determine classes and schedule.  The director communicates with parents, school teachers, and front office staff to inform them of classes and registered students.  And, the director administers the 6crickets registration site and downloads class rosters for each session.  

Requirements:  Check and respond to email daily.  10 hours of planning and reporting for each session.  

PTA Tech Support

The PTA uses various online software services that need an administrator.  No prior experience with these platforms is required.

memberplanet.com:  PTA membership, donation and payment websites, surveys, online ballots

schoolauction.net:  Software for running an online or in-person auction

ConstantContact.com:  Hosts the PTA website and is the email campaign manager for sending the weekly newsletter

Requirements:  Check and respond to email regularly.  1-2 hours a week.