Keep All Students Safe
Brennon Ham, SPS Health Education Specialist/Trainer, recently led workshops for staff and families at Montlake, providing education that will help all students feel safe and supported. His focus is to provide safe environments for LGBTQ+ students but the lessons of positivity extend to all. Also, because the risk of suicide is much higher for LGBTQ+ students, we must all learn how to best support them.
A message from Brennon:
For those of you who were able to attend the training on how to create and sustain safe and supportive environments for LGBTQ+ students at Montlake, thank you so much for joining! I hope you enjoyed the content and were able to take some of that learning and apply it to your engagement with the amazing young folks in your lives.
To those of you who were unable to attend, no worries! You can access the recording and the slides.
Thank you, families! Please reach out with questions or for support!
Brennon Ham, Ed.M. (Latinx, pronouns: Brennon/they/he/she)
Health Education Specialist/Trainer, Health Education Department
Head Swim Coach, Garfield High School
Seattle Public Schools policies and procedures:
Non-discrimination Policy (3210)
Transgender Student Policy (3211)
Transgender Student Procedure (3211SP – formerly 3210SP.C)
Dress Code
Seattle Public School provided videos:
K-5 Gender Book Kit
Staff Videos
Family Videos
And, here are some informative videos to learn more about identities that aren’t often talked about.
Intersex (1)
Intersex (2)